When you click on Shipments List in the Navigation Bar, or click the List and Search for Shipments link on the Main Menu, you are taken to the Shipments List screen:
The Shipments List - search boxes above, list of shipments below
The list you see initially contains your 10 most recent shipments by creation date, with the shipment numbers descending from the largest. Once you have more than 10 shipments, you can page through them, 10 at a time.
Below the list of Shipments are clickable links to the pages.
As with the other List screens, at the top of the screen you find the boxes for searching through your list of Shipments. This can be helpful if you have many pages of Shipments.
You can search by any or all of the search fields you see; just fill in the details you know, and click Search.
The Invoice Date fields use a popup calendar to help you find the appropriate dates. If the month is different from the current month, remember to change the month first, using the arrow buttons on the top bar of the calendar, and then click on the day.
To search on Destination Country, type in the name of the country as you have in Parties or International Transport.
To search on the Description of Goods, you need only type in enough of the description to make sure you will not retrieve more shipments than you need.
When you have finished entering search terms, click Search, and ITDocs will bring up a Shipments List that matches your search criteria.
If there are no results, you can click List and try your search again with different or more criteria.
The columns in the shipments list are the same whether you are looking at search results or the full list:
Shipment number: this is the same as your Exporter's Reference, so you can page to the right number if you any have the documents from that shipment.
Click on the shipment number to go to the Review screen for that shipment.
Creation date: this is the date on which the shipment was first begun, and is not always the same as the Invoice date.
Shipper: this is the Party used as Shipper for this shipment.
Consignee: this is the Party used as Consignee for this shipment.